Ready to Level Up Your Real Estate Career?

Make A 6-Figure Real Estate Business In 7 Steps


Create a 24/7 Lead-Generating Machine Where All You Have to Do Is CLOSE

TOTAL VALUE: $1,199.99

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  • Are you a newly-licensed real estate agent who’s struggling to get your foot in the door of the real estate business?

  • Are you an experienced real estate agent who’s been in the biz for a while now but wants to make 3 deals per month ASAP?

  • Are you a real estate broker who wants to scale and help your agents build 6, 7-figure real estate businesses in the next 6-12 months?

  • OR are you an aspiring real estate professional who doesn’t know where to start but is READY to start if pointed in the right direction?



Get your copy of real estate expert Casanova Brook’s latest book: Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners 2.0.

In this step-by-step guide, Casanova shares his

proven 7-step process on how to make 6 figures in the real estate biz in 3-6 months!

TOTAL VALUE: $1,199.99

Get the Book PLUS Bonuses for $47

$1,997 Just $47!!!

Get your copy of real estate expert Casanova Brook’s latest book: Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners 2.0.

In this step-by-step guide, Casanova shares his

proven 7-step process on how to make 6 figures in the real estate biz in 3-6 months!

TOTAL VALUE: $1,199.99

Get the Book PLUS Bonuses for $9.99

$1,997 Just $9.99!!!

From Rock Bottom To Top-Producing Real Estate Agent

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut trying to make it in real estate?

Are you worried about what your future looks like for you, your career, and your family?

Is there something, like lack of experience or guidance, that's holding you back to turn things around?

YOU are not alone. I know how you feel.

I understand the challenges you’re going through right now are different from what I had before… 

But, I’m sure they share similar pains and fears that got you thinking…

“Something in my life needs to change. I want to make it better!"

My name is Casanova Brooks.

A few years ago, I went through THREE of the most tragic life events you can think of. I lost my job, my home, and most of all, my mom all in a matter of less than— 3 weeks! 

It was the most gut-wrenching year of my life. I lived my worst nightmare, my worst fears, and the lowest point of my life. 

But… In that very SAME year, I also decided to turn my life around and get into real estate as a complete beginner. It was no easy task…

I had NO experience, NO connections, and NO safety net to fall back on.

I also struggled to get the support I needed to take me to where I am today.  Still, I found a way— a 7-step process to be exact —to make it all possible!

In my first year as a NEW real estate agent, I closed 46 deals in just 9 months!

I went from homeless to home buyer. Cashless to breadwinner. And eventually, jobless to job maker…

No one, even me, expected this fortunate twist of events. But knowing how much I put my mind and heart into it, it was surely going to happen!

If you do the same, you can expect similar wins or even better ones come your way!

Today, my life is far from what it was before. Now, I have:

  • Built a fast-growing 7-figure real estate business that generates LEADS and INCOME even while I sleep

  • Closed over $75,000,000 in real estate dealsover the last 8 years.

  • Created a community of 67,000+ entrepreneurs, agents, and dreamers across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

  • Designed a life where my family would NEVER have the stress and struggles that I did.

From Rock Bottom To Top-Producing Real Estate Agent

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut trying to make it in real estate?

Are you worried about what your future looks like for you, your career, and your family?

Is there something, like lack of experience or guidance, that's holding you back to turn things around?

YOU are not alone. I know how you feel.

I understand the challenges you’re going through right now are different from what I had before… 

But, I’m sure they share similar pains and fears that got you thinking…

“Something in my life needs to change. I want to make it better!"

My name is Casanova Brooks.

A few years ago, I went through THREE of the most tragic life events you can think of. I lost my job, my home, and most of all, my mom all in a matter of less than— 3 weeks! 

It was the most gut-wrenching year of my life. I lived my worst nightmare, my worst fears, and the lowest point of my life. 

But… In that very SAME year, I also decided to turn my life around and get into real estate as a complete beginner. It was no easy task…

I had NO experience, NO connections, and NO safety net to fall back on.

I also struggled to get the support I needed to take me to where I am today.  Still, I found a way— a 7-step process to be exact —to make it all possible!

In my first year as a NEW real estate agent, I closed 46 deals in just 9 months!

I went from homeless to home buyer. Cashless to breadwinner. And eventually, jobless to job maker…

No one, even me, expected this fortunate twist of events. But knowing how much I put my mind and heart into it, it was surely going to happen!

If you do the same, you can expect similar wins or even better ones come your way!

Today, my life is far from what it was before. Now, I have:

  • Built a fast-growing 7-figure real estate business that generates LEADS and INCOME even while I sleep

  • Closed over $75,000,000 in real estate dealsover the last 8 years.

  • Created a community of 67,000+ entrepreneurs, agents, and dreamers across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

  • Designed a life where my family would NEVER have the stress and struggles that I did.

Looking back, I would NEVER want you or anyone to suffer what I did…It was infinitely harder back then when I was new to real estate.

My story is proof that you can take control of your life and build the life you’ve always dreamed of. YOU can build something BIGGER than you could ever imagine!—This book will show you how. This is the guide I wish I had when I was just starting out…And I want you to have it!

Looking back, I would NEVER want you or anyone to suffer what I did…It was infinitely harder back then when I was new to real estate.

My story is proof that you can take control of your life and build the life you’ve always dreamed of. YOU can build something BIGGER than you could ever imagine!—This book will show you how. This is the guide I wish I had when I was just starting out…And I want you to have it!

Follow These Steps to Win and Move Up in Real Estate!

By applying the 7 steps I’ll teach you, you can certainly build a 6-figure real estate business and lead-generating moneymaker in less than 12 months.

In this book, you’ll learn how to:

Follow These Steps to Win and Move Up in Real Estate!

By applying the 7 steps I’ll teach you, you can certainly build a 6-figure real estate business and lead-generating moneymaker in less than 12 months.

In this book, you’ll learn how to:

What You’ll Get When You Buy This Book

In 7 Steps, I’ll Show You How to Build A 6-Figure Real Estate Biz…

Step 1: Create A Brand that’s Easy to Spot and Relate With

Win your clients’ confidence without making much of an effort with a uniform brand. My

5-way social media marketing strategy is your first step to building a trustworthy and recognizable brand!

Step 2: Build and Setup A Prospect-Rich Email List

Buying a home. Building a business. Starting a career. They share ONE thing in common: they’re all PERSONAL experiences. Make it personal with emails and find out the 3 most important reasons why you should use them to connect with your ideal prospects

Step 3: Craft an Irresistible Offer

You’ll learn how to make an offer your audience can’t refuse. From being a thought leader to getting exposure, I will show you 8 effective ways to create a magnetic offer that turns into a golden spree of 6-figure property deals

Step 4: Start a Fast-Growing Community

Time to find a way to stand out in a crowded market! As a real estate agent, people come to you for your expertise. So, I’m giving you my step-by-step process on how to build an active Facebook community in 1-2 years plus a couple bonus tips!

Step 5: Create Evergreen Video Content

Storytelling is a skill that’s as old as time. Videos are one of, if not, the best ways to tell a story. You’ll find out how to create the 4 best types of video content for real estate. Including pro tips on how to use them to engage people.

Step 6: Distribute Content on YouTube and Podcast Channels

Create high-quality YouTube content that helps you get discovered! Make your content easy to find through search engine optimization (SEO). Discover 4+ important things you need to

grow your audience reach organically on the Internet!

TOTAL VALUE: $1,199.99

Get the Book PLUS Bonuses for $47

$1,999 Just $47!!!

What You’ll Get When You Buy This Book

In 7 Steps, I’ll Show You How to Build A 6-Figure Real Estate Biz…

Step 1: Create A Brand that’s Easy to Spot and Relate With

Win your clients’ confidence without making much of an effort with a uniform brand. My

5-way social media marketing strategy is your first step to building a trustworthy and recognizable brand!

Step 2: Build and Setup A Prospect-Rich Email List

Buying a home. Building a business. Starting a career. They share ONE thing in common: they’re all PERSONAL experiences. Make it personal with emails and find out the 3 most important reasons why you should use them to connect with your ideal prospects

Step 3: Craft an Irresistible Offer

You’ll learn how to make an offer your audience can’t refuse. From being a thought leader to getting exposure, I will show you 8 effective ways to create a magnetic offer that turns into a golden spree of 6-figure property deals

Step 4: Start a Fast-Growing Community

Time to find a way to stand out in a crowded market! As a real estate agent, people come to you for your expertise. So, I’m giving you my step-by-step process on how to build an active Facebook community in 1-2 years plus a couple bonus tips!

Step 5: Create Evergreen Video Content

Storytelling is a skill that’s as old as time. Videos are one of, if not, the best ways to tell a story. You’ll find out how to create the 4 best types of video content for real estate. Including pro tips on how to use them to engage people.

Step 6: Distribute Content on YouTube and Podcast Channels

Create high-quality YouTube content that helps you get discovered! Make your content easy to find through search engine optimization (SEO). Discover 4+ important things you need to

grow your audience reach organically on the Internet!

TOTAL VALUE: $1,199.99

Get the Book PLUS Bonuses for $9.99

$1,999 Just $9.99!!!



NO ONE breaks it down the way you do.
"The content isn’t hard to follow along with and you do a great job making it relatable… breaking down the numbers and providing examples."
"You gotta superpower taking the complex and making it simple"




  • Not Worrying About Upcoming Bills & Expenses:  You're comfortable and confident that any "life surprises" won't turn into a financial disaster because you've protected your money, your home, and your standard of living.
  • ​You Have More Time In The Day To Live Your LIFE: You don't have to work 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet because you learned how to GET OUT of the never-ending paycheck-to-paycheck loop you've been stuck in.
  • Having The FREEDOM To Travel & Live Your Ideal Lifestyle: You now have control over your dream lifestyle, allowing you to live your life on your own terms.
  • Feeling PROUD Of The Life You’ve Set-Up For Your Family: You've learned how to play "a winning money game” and now you’ve started generational wealth for your children’s children. 
  • ​Full Relief From Financial Stress & Burden: Feel the weight being lifted off your shoulders because your worries about money are worries of the past—you can sleep well at night knowing have extra cash sitting in the bank. 

Enjoy 7 FREE Bonuses Worth $1,199.99

When You Get My Latest Book!

Bonus#1: FREE Copy of the First Edition of Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners Total Value: $17.99

When you get Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners 2.0 today, you will also get a FREE copy of my first book, Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners. 

In this book, you will find PROVEN strategies and tips I use to help me generate 6 figures in 3 months in my first year in real estate. Discover the very secrets I and other successful realtors use to make millions of dollars in commissions.

Bonus#2: Real Estate Marketing Success Plan

Total Value: $197.00

There’s a wise saying from Benjamin Franklin that goes, “By failing to plan, you are preparing to fail.” This is from the guy who’s on the $100 bill! If that’s not saying something, I don’t know what it is. As a real estate agent, you’ll need an ironclad plan to close multiple deals in a row without a hitch. With my Real Estate Marketing Plan, you will be able to craft your own marketing process that’s smooth and effective!

Bonus#3: Mindset Shift Course Total Value: $197.00

You’ll need a huge amount of confidence to ENTER the real estate business. It is a fast-evolving business with endless ups and downs. You will need a certain mindset that makes the most out of opportunities and isn’t afraid to be relentless. 

Behind the 6, 7, and 8-figure years of the most successful real estate agents is a mindset that is deserving and ready for the high-achiever, high-income life. This FREE value-packed bonus course will give you the mindset shift you need to start creating a life by your own design.

Bonus#4: Real Estate Agent – Innovation Webinar

Total Value: $197.00

During this webinar, I will tell you about outdated real estate tactics that are dead and will hurt your business. I will introduce you to new and modern systems agents around the country take advantage of to make a six-figure killing in the industry.

You will learn about strategies that will help you make a reliable source of income selling residential properties in just 100 days.

Bonus#5: Buyer and Seller Scripts Total Value: $197.00

Next, you’ll get your hands on a 19-page buyer and seller script that’ll help you skillfully navigate the market. These scripts will show you how to handle over 30+ common buyer-seller situations. So you can be flexible and confident in any situation you get into. They’re also so easy to apply it’s a no-brainer must-have!

Bonus#6: Lead Follow Up Scripts Total Value: $197.00

It doesn’t stop there! You’ll also need a powerful and accurate lead follow-up script to keep your leads hot and interested. This bonus script is SO valuable that it helped me smoothen and speed up many of the deals I’ve closed so far. You can also mix it up in new and creative ways that fit your needs.

Bonus#7: Live Sales Calls Total Value: $197.00

And last but not the least, you’ll also get real-life recordings of some of my best sales calls. It helps A LOT to see many of the skills and tips I’ll teach you and the scripts in action. 

You will watch and learn how I make them work. And, see why prospects love it when you understand what they want without them having to say it. Just by having the right questions and conversation flow.

TOTAL VALUE: $1,199.99

Get the Book PLUS Bonuses for $47

$1,999 Just $47!!!


Enjoy 7 FREE Bonuses Worth $1,199.99

When You Get My Latest Book!

Bonus#1: FREE Copy of the First Edition of Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners Total Value: $17.99

When you get Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners 2.0 today, you will also get a FREE copy of my first book, Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners. 

In this book, you will find PROVEN strategies and tips I use to help me generate 6 figures in 3 months in my first year in real estate. Discover the very secrets I and other successful realtors use to make millions of dollars in commissions.

Bonus#2: Real Estate Marketing Success Plan

Total Value: $197.00

There’s a wise saying from Benjamin Franklin that goes, “By failing to plan, you are preparing to fail.” This is from the guy who’s on the $100 bill! If that’s not saying something, I don’t know what it is. As a real estate agent, you’ll need an ironclad plan to close multiple deals in a row without a hitch. With my Real Estate Marketing Plan, you will be able to craft your own marketing process that’s smooth and effective!

Bonus#3: Mindset Shift Course Total Value: $197.00

You’ll need a huge amount of confidence to ENTER the real estate business. It is a fast-evolving business with endless ups and downs. You will need a certain mindset that makes the most out of opportunities and isn’t afraid to be relentless. 

Behind the 6, 7, and 8-figure years of the most successful real estate agents is a mindset that is deserving and ready for the high-achiever, high-income life. This FREE value-packed bonus course will give you the mindset shift you need to start creating a life by your own design.

Bonus#4: Real Estate Agent – Innovation Webinar

Total Value: $197.00

During this webinar, I will tell you about outdated real estate tactics that are dead and will hurt your business. I will introduce you to new and modern systems agents around the country take advantage of to make a six-figure killing in the industry.

You will learn about strategies that will help you make a reliable source of income selling residential properties in just 100 days.

Bonus#5: Buyer and Seller Scripts Total Value: $197.00

Next, you’ll get your hands on a 19-page buyer and seller script that’ll help you skillfully navigate the market. These scripts will show you how to handle over 30+ common buyer-seller situations. So you can be flexible and confident in any situation you get into. They’re also so easy to apply it’s a no-brainer must-have!

Bonus#6: Lead Follow Up Scripts Total Value: $197.00

It doesn’t stop there! You’ll also need a powerful and accurate lead follow-up script to keep your leads hot and interested. This bonus script is SO valuable that it helped me smoothen and speed up many of the deals I’ve closed so far. You can also mix it up in new and creative ways that fit your needs.

Bonus#7: Live Sales Calls Total Value: $197.00

And last but not the least, you’ll also get real-life recordings of some of my best sales calls. It helps A LOT to see many of the skills and tips I’ll teach you and the scripts in action. 

You will watch and learn how I make them work. And, see why prospects love it when you understand what they want without them having to say it. Just by having the right questions and conversation flow.

TOTAL VALUE: $1,199.99

Get the Book PLUS Bonuses for $9.99

$1,999 Just $9.99!!!


  • Want to take control of your finances and STOP living paycheck-to-paycheck
  • Want to get back your TIME so you can start enjoying the lifestyle you’ve dreamt of
  • Want to feel comfortable and confident, knowing your bank account isn't on the verge of hitting zero
  • ​​Want to have the freedom and luxury to travel and spend more time with your friends and family
  • ​Need immediate relief from the financial stress and burden of everyday life


  • Want to “get rich quick.” What I teach might not be the most "sexy"—but it works. I'm not here to impress you, I'm here to help you take control of your financial future. Lifelong success and results will require your commitment, discipline, and focus
  • Looking for "the easy way" without effort. When you learn how to invest, you'll learn what makes your wealth grow. I'm not looking for lazy students. There's no such thing as something for nothing—and your effort is necessary
  • Not open to learning. Closed minds have closed futures. Those who want to open their futures to new opportunities must open their minds to new perspectives and possibilities
  • ​You’d rather show off than show up. I talk about the problems of modern "consumerism" in the course. True commitment to your future requires you to do this for yourself and no one else



"it's my goal to not only educate you on stocks, but to give you maximum value. This course will require you to put in the work, but the return on investment is infinite..."

























  THE 3 HORSEMEN (Index funds, REITS, ETF. Intro to what they are.)




Paying yourself first allows you to put yourself before you bills and everything else life throws at you. If you're just saving, money is in the bank and the bank is making money. When YOU invest the money, the money is working for YOU.
Overall, brokerages do the same thing. There are a few key details that separate them. Research, trading, investing. How to pick an account and how to set it up. Walk with me and I'll do it with you.
Interest that your interest earns. If we are long term investors, we give that compound interest a steroid shot. This is how $1,000 to turn into $100,000 in a 15 year time stamp. It's the secret sauce to investing.

Break down how the market works in simple terms. How things go up, down, and where we fit in all of it. Learn how to re-work the machine.
Break down how the market works in simple terms. How things go up, down, and where we fit in all of it. Learn how to re-work the machine.

If You Answered 'YES' To Any Of The Above... 

I Want You To Read The Rest Of This Page Very Closely

"The content isn’t hard to follow along with and you do a great job making it relatable… breaking down the numbers and providing examples."
- Certified Trapper
"You gotta superpower taking the complex and making it simple"
- Certified Trapper
- Certified Trapper

"The content isn’t hard to follow along with and you do a great job making it relatable… breaking down the numbers and providing examples."
- Certified Trapper



I’m going to show you how you can get started IMMEDIATELY EVEN IF YOU'RE A BEGINNER ON A TINY BUDGET.

(Seriously - we don’t just say that. Any person with any budget can start)

 I'm going to show you how its done, so you can experience what it's like to take control of your financial future and wake up everyday, excited for what's coming your way.

One thing you need to know is... you can’t find these strategies anywhere online except in this course.


Do I get immediate results right after I read this book?

My latest book is a foolproof real estate guide based on my experience and what I’ve learned from many other top-producing realtors. But, simply reading my book won't get you the results you're looking for. You will have to take action on all the strategies, methods, and tips I will share with you in this book… If you follow ALL the steps in this book, YOU will experience significant improvements in your real estate biz. Because of differences in environment and other determining factors, your results may be different from others.  As long as you get better results than you did before, that shouldn’t matter. Just apply the 7 steps I'll teach you in this book and you’ll have an extremely HIGH possibility of getting the results you're looking for.

Does this work for all types of real estate agents?

YES! Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners 2.0 tackles the most common problems all types of real estate agents have in the industry.  It is both beginner and expert-friendly. As long as you customize what I'll teach with you to fit your brand and type of agency, then there's no reason this book won't work for you.

How do I receive a copy of my book after I buy it?

Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners 2.0 is a digital e-book that you can read and take anywhere with you on your phone, tablet, or computer.  After you buy the book, we will send you an authentic copy to the email address you provide. On top of that, you'll get or be given instructions on how to access the $1,199 worth of BONUSES you get when buying this book.

TOTAL VALUE: $1,199.99

Get the Book PLUS Bonuses for $47

$1,999 Just $47!!!


Do I get immediate results right after I read this book?

My latest book is a foolproof real estate guide based on my experience and what I’ve learned from many other top-producing realtors. But, simply reading my book won't get you the results you're looking for. You will have to take action on all the strategies, methods, and tips I will share with you in this book… If you follow ALL the steps in this book, YOU will experience significant improvements in your real estate biz. Because of differences in environment and other determining factors, your results may be different from others.  As long as you get better results than you did before, that shouldn’t matter. Just apply the 7 steps I'll teach you in this book and you’ll have an extremely HIGH possibility of getting the results you're looking for.

Does this work for all types of real estate agents?

YES! Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners 2.0 tackles the most common problems all types of real estate agents have in the industry.  It is both beginner and expert-friendly. As long as you customize what I'll teach with you to fit your brand and type of agency, then there's no reason this book won't work for you.

How do I receive a copy of my book after I buy it?

Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners 2.0 is a digital e-book that you can read and take anywhere with you on your phone, tablet, or computer.  After you buy the book, we will send you an authentic copy to the email address you provide. On top of that, you'll get or be given instructions on how to access the $1,199 worth of BONUSES you get when buying this book.

TOTAL VALUE: $1,199.99

Get the Book PLUS Bonuses for $9.99

$1,999 Just $9.99!!!

Why I’m Selling This Book For 10X Less Than It Should Be

I know that there are other real estate gurus out there who are promising you freebies, memberships, and programs… But still leave you hanging without a clue on what to do next. Just being the “next step” to get the ball rollingfor you.

My book is not one of those.

This is the EXACT step-by-step guide that helped me make upwards of $75,000,000 in real estate transactions and build a personal brand as a go-to authority in real estate. This is a structured method that will show you how to get started in real estate, and become a successful real estate agent!

Most importantly, this is more than just a book but an actionable message to all ambitious and talented real estate agents like YOU…Get started with my brand NEW book, Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners 2.0 today to become a top producing real estate pro today!

My Solid 100% Money-Back Guarantee

I guarantee you’ll love everything you'll discover in this bookbut in case it doesn’t, I’ll give back your $9.99 and still

let you keep the book.

As long as you:

Apply the strategies I'll teach you over the next90 days. 

Take action on all the 7 steps and techniques and tips in this book.

Take advantage of the bonuses that come with this book to speed up the process.

You will notice significant changes after you’ve applied the steps in this book. But, if that’s not the case. Just send me an email or give me a call so I can return your money back to you.

Sounds good?

Kickstart Your Real Estate Career When You Order

Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners 2.0 Today!


  • Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners 2.0

  • FREE Digital Copy of the 1st Edition ‘Play the Game Like the Winners’ ($17.99 value)

  • Real Estate Marketing Success Plan ($197.00 value)

  • Mindset Shift Course ($197.00 value)

  • Real Estate Agent - Innovation Webinar ($197.00 value)

  •  Buyer and Seller Scripts ($197.00 value)

  • Live Sales Calls ($197.00 value)

TOTAL VALUE: $1,199.99

Get the Book PLUS Bonuses for $47

$1,999 Just $47!!!

© Casanova Brooks - DreamNation 2023